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August 07, 2023

Case study of the paper overwrapping machine “Coated paper”

It is ordinarily familiar in Japan we see many wrapped boxes by wrapping paper that are sold in the department stores or souvenir stores. It is Japan’s particular culture and once it got an attention from overseas that the skilled staff at department store wrapped the gift box immediately in the way calls ‘department wrapping style’. Due to this cultural background, we have developed and launched our overwrapping machine ‘AR Series’ that automatically wrap the box in wrapping paper. We have 90% shares in Japanese market and many users across the country.

April 11, 2022

TAM’s approach to the Frozen food packaging

As the demands of frozen foods have been increasing along with the changes of the time and our lifestyles, it is indispensable both in ordinary household or food service industry. Tam plays a role for packaging the frozen food. In order to package frozen food, the special attentions need to be payed to the product inside and packaging environment. Tam have offered and supplied the various solutions based on our experiences and history.

March 23, 2022

Package for Coffee products

Let us share about the relations between coffee products and packaging. The most of the packages you see at the coffee shops or supermarkets are made by Vertical Form-Fill- Sealing machine (Called as VFFS machine). The contents of these coffee product are roughly calcified as three types : 1. Roasted coffee beans, 2. Ground roasted coffee(Regular coffee) and 3. Powder coffee(Instant coffee). These products are packed by VFFS machine with innovative techniques that is to be explained later. TAM has experienced more than 170 machines for coffee products since we first delivered the machine to the Japanese coffee manufacturer in 1980.

February 07, 2022

The introduction key point of Vertical Form Fill Seal Machine (VFFS). Merits of introduction and Machine types

Vertical Form Fill Seal Machine (VFFS) is used for packaging commodities like food products and pharmaceutical products. Wide variety of the packaging styles that VFFS machine can produce such as normal pillow bag, block bottom bag, Pillow gusset bag, chained bags and 3-sided seal bag those are used in dependence on the product shape and nature etc. In some bag styles, wise function is added on the bag for considering easy opening for users or the convenience in the shop display.

February 07, 2022

The types and functions of VFFS machine (Pillow pack machine)

In the modern world, self-service selling such as supermarkets or convenience stores is the mainstream of selling style. Then what required for the package is not only protection of the goods but it plays roles of product information, convenience of carriage and attractive appearance of the goods image. The package is a part of goods, thus, the packaging machine is something you should pay attention for both the high productivity and high quality.

November 22, 2021

The types and functions of Overwrapping machine for paper products

Paper products such as catalogue, copy papers, or household papers like tissue, toilet rolls and kitchen papers are easily torn or ruined and hard to carry if they are exposed without package. In order to deliver these products to the retail stores and consumers in neat condition, the product should be packaged and protected from damage during transportation. These paper products also required to be packaged in neat finish.

Inquiry for machine

International Division